Dr. Martha Tilaar giving beauty tips for skin care, pimple problems, especially from within. Doing therapy with this juice regularly to get gorgeous skin.
100 g cucumber (1 piece is)
75 g melon skin has been removed (1 small piece)
15 g ginger (1 segment of the finger)
30 g of Centella asiatica (1 handful)
1 tsp lime juice
How to make:
1. Clean all the materials and small pieces.
2. Soak ginger with 100 ml (1 cup) boiling water for 15 minutes, strain and take water.
3. In addition to lime, put all the ingredients of ginger and water in a blender, run the blender until liquid juice obtained.
4. Place in a glass and add lime juice, stir, and ready to serve.
5. To add a sweet taste can add honey or brown sugar to taste.