Like most people, before the age of 25 to the pimple usually start to disappear from the skin. Then, what if the pimple does not disappear or even appear in the adult age?
According to Jonette Keri, MD, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and chairman of dermatology at the Miami VA Medical Center, estimated at 30% of women and 20% of men aged 20-60 years (and more) have problems with pimple .
Pimple in adulthood is generally caused by sebum, the oil substance produced by sebaceous glands. Sebum the pores close, then pulled the bacteria and cause inflammation. For some adults, pimple caused by too sensitive to androgens (male hormones). But the imbalance of estrogen hormones in men and women can also cause pimple. For women, this can occur during pregnancy, pre-menopause, and at menopause. Some drugs, such as corticosteroids and cosmetics on the skin accumulation can also trigger pimple.
Easy bother dealing with pimple in adulthood. Most free drug on the market intended to overcome the oily skin pimple for teenagers, which was suitable for mature skin that tends to dry. To get the best treatment is needed patience and testing. Jonette advised to try:
- Cleaner. Avoid gel that is too hard and that contain coarse grains, as abrasive and can irritate the skin, even aggravate sensitive skin.
- Creams and lotions. Use drugs that contain retinol to clean the pores and helps reduce fine lines on her face. To help eliminate spots, pimple scars, black spots, looking for a product that contains salicylic and glycolic acids. To finish the bacteria, use benzoyl peroxide.
- Drug recipes. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor. For tropical medicine usually contains antibiotic clindamycin. As for a drink, usually called tetracycline.
- High Technology: Laser and Intense Pulsed Light scars are usually targeted, but the blue light therapy can kill the bacteria that causes pimple. Such treatments can be very expensive, it is advisable to try other treatments that are safer and affordable.
Believe it or not, washing your face is the trick. To start, try to keep the face clean all day. Wash face twice daily with a special soap (for dry skin, do not use too much soap), try to use warm water (hot water can make dry skin). Wash face between 1-2 minutes (do not be too long because the resulting irritation). Use your hands, and avoid using cleaning towels